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Here's your chance: NBDA urges retailers to rate their suppliers

Published March 10, 2014

COSTA MESA, Calif. (BRAIN) — Wish you could see what brands have the best shipping terms, order accuracy or margins? Or want to inform your current supplier about where they can improve? The National Bicycle Dealers Association is giving retailers the chance to rate their suppliers, giving them grades A through F on everything from product availability to on-time shipping and order accuracy to controlled distribution and warranty support. 

The NBDA Supplier Scorecard asks dealers to rate suppliers on 30 different criteria. Average grades will be made public, brands will be able to purchase detailed reports on themselves, and the identity of dealers who participate will remain confidential.   

According to the NBDA, the program will help retailers make better-informed decisions on who to do business with and it will also give brand managers candid and relevant feedback from the IBD channel.

Until now, shops have had only their own experience with suppliers to go by and the anecdotal comments from peers. Now they will be able to consult the combined opinions of hundreds of IBDs, the NBDA said.  

“The goal is to share information with suppliers and potentially create an awards category of some sort for suppliers who are top performers based on dealer input,” said Michael Baker, marketing and communications director for the NBDA. “Top-rated suppliers will be recognized by the NBDA.

“The only way the service is going to get improved, and all aspects of the supply chain will improve, is with more direct feedback,” Baker added. “While suppliers may already get plenty of feedback, this is a more independent process.”

Retailers can go to where they can create an account and rate as many brands as they like. Shops do not need to be NBDA members to participate, but they do need to be independent, brick-and-mortar dealers. Retailers can file their supplier grades through the end of April. Final report cards are expected by June. 

Suppliers who want to be informed of when reports will be available can go to the NBDA website and request to be added to the information list.  

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