Wow, the more things humans change the more they stay the same. The Anaheim Interbike band is back together again and hoping to hit SpinalTap Volume 11 to get everyone on board.
Doing a quick flyby on it? Here’s some salient alien viewpoints…..I’m not personally preferential to any location and wonder if bitches about hotel room rates, available restaurants and airport distance are real objections? Unfortunately, trade shows are hard dollars whether displaying or attending. Get used to it. And without money stashed in your budget for these important events you’re relegated to use reps and the internet to get your bike porn on.
Cosmically confused by the August thing? Shouldn’t Interbike try to be the opposite of Eurobike or the TrekSpeczdGiantCloneFests? Maybe it’s not even possible to compete directly so why not be something new and different? That means an early or late date. Either option could put the show in a unique spot to sell for immediate delivery at key times.
One more thought? Interbike should cowboy up clean and simple....and say you can’t display at DirtDemo unless you’re on the showfloor with the rest of the gang for the full three days. That would change things drastically, but there might be the politics of dancing and advocacy getting in the way ?

My big wish? The U.S. bike suppliers/retailers had a unified trade showing where one could see it all in one place once a year. Without this type of energetic and direction setting venue? Well, it seems like the U.S. bike industry is doing a disservice to itself?
Bottom line? It’s a done deal. You can love it or hate it but next year's plane ticket will say LAX instead LAS. I’m looking forward to it.