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NICA founder leaves nonprofit to start consultancy

Published December 5, 2013

BERKELEY, CA (BRAIN) — Matt Fritzinger, founder of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association, is leaving the nonprofit to launch his next venture in January. His last day with NICA is Dec. 20. 

Fritzinger, a former high school math teacher, formed the Berkeley High Mountain Bike Club in 1998. The club’s success eventually led to the founding of the NorCal High School Mountain Bike Racing League, and several years later to the creation of a SoCal League. Both leagues eventually grew and led to the launch of NICA in September 2009. NICA now is a national program with more than 3,000 student-athletes and 1,000 coaches across nine leagues. 

Fritzinger said he’s looking for exciting new challenges in the cycling world while also helping NICA where needed. He’s launching a consulting business, Zinger Pacific, to work with businesses and nonprofits on project management, strategies, community outreach and developing corporate sponsor programs. 

Recently, Fritzinger spearheaded the launch of the NICA Booster Club, a way for individuals to contribute financially to advancing the high school mountain biking movement, and he encourages cyclists to become members to ensure NICA’s future. 

“The Booster Club is a critical piece for NICA, providing sustainable and growing funds which are needed as the movement grows," Fritzinger said. “I am asking cyclists to check in with the league in their state, or with NICA, and find out more about the impact we are having in our communities. If you believe this is a good thing, then we need your support.” 

Funds raised by the Booster Club support student-athlete scholarships, coach and team grants in low-income regions, as well as new league start-ups. NICA recently launched the Georgia High School Cycling League and is looking to add one more league in 2014.

Booster Club members include cycling luminaries such as Heather Irmiger and Jeremy Horgan-Kolbelski, Georgia Gould, Lea Davison, Tim Johnson and Rebecca Rusch. 

For a complete list of members or to join go to: