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RentaBikeNow Improves Reservation Platform

Published June 13, 2011

CHICAGO, IL (BRAIN)—Nationwide bike rental network has launched an improved reservation platform for participating dealers and updated their website.

“Our new reservation platform offers significant enhancements that help bike shops attract more rental business and better manage their reservations,” said company president George Gill. “The most significant
enhancements are focused on system speed improvements and enhanced features and flexibility, which create a better user experience."

In addition to a faster response time, the company reports that enhanced graphics, expanded shop information and a better reservation flow are driving more business to participating shops. Feature enhancements include a powerful in-house reservation tab, custom pricing options, new organization and reporting tools and more. The company has also improved their reservation “widget” that participating shops can use to capture reservations on their own websites 24/7. The widget is offered in two versions, a standard link or an advanced engine that embeds exclusively into SmartEtailing websites.

The platform update also updates the company’s business model. “We now have three solid legs to support our participating dealers: a marketing program that drives business results, an insurance solution that provides rental liability protection and a complete reservation management system that delivers operational efficiency," Gill said.

“ has taken a huge leap forward,” said Mark McLaughlin, owner of Bicycles Unlimited, a participating shop in St. George, Utah. “The new platform offers the features and flexibility I need to effectively
run my rental business.”

The challenge now, Gill said, is to make sure participating dealers are educated on the new functionality and can fully utilize all the platform has to offer. “It’s light years ahead of the old system,” Gill said. “While we’re helping current dealers optimize their rental account, the updated system is attracting a great deal of new inquiries as well.”