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Bikes Belong Polls American Cyclists

Published May 8, 2011

BOULDER, CO (BRAIN)—Bikes Belong is working with market research firm Leisure Trends Group to conduct a survey to get a better sense of Americans’ bicycling habits. The survey is being emailed out in waves to contacts acquired through Bikes Belong’s People for Bikes pledge campaign, a pool of 222,000.

“That’s a very big list,” said Tim Blumenthal, president of Bikes Belong. “If those people can tell us anything about what they think as it relates to bicycling or the bike industry or purchase plans, anything they have to say in sum will be good information.”

Bruno Maier, Bikes Belong vice president, said the People for Bikes’ database consists of a broad spectrum of consumers including recreational riders, commuters and cycling enthusiasts. Those who take the survey will have the choice to opt in to be part of research panel to continue to share opinions on trends, products and marketing campaigns. Maier anticipates that the panel will consist of approximately 20,000 to 30,000 consumers.

“We tried to address questions of why people ride, how they ride, why they don’t, how they develop into a cyclist,” said Maier about the survey. “We can use that to further our cause, but we can also share findings with researchers we partner with around the country. We’re trying to learn things that can help us get more people on bikes. This is something we can use and the industry can use to grow.”

Maier said Bikes Belong would publicize the findings of the online survey over the next 35 to 40 days, after Leisure Trends tabulates and analyzes results.

—Lynette Carpiet

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