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Safe Routes to School Webinar Coming Up

Published February 14, 2011

LAGUNA HILLS, CA (BRAIN)—Are you wanting to engage your local bike shop in Safe Routes to School programs? Or, as a local bike shop, have you been looking for ways to get involved in the Safe Routes to School movement but haven't quite figured out how you fit?

This free webinar will highlight success stories in Colorado and Austin, Texas, that have teamed a local program with a bike shop to enhance Safe Routes to School efforts, according to a press release. In addition to programmatic highlights, presenters will explain the benefits of involving bike shops, describe a strategy for approaching local bike shops and discuss concrete ideas for collaboration ranging from low hanging fruit to full-fledged sponsorship.

Involving bike shops in Safe Routes to School projects is key to creating a sustainable program that encourages more bicycling. Any parent, program staff, manager or bike shop staffer that has struggled to implement bicycling within Safe Routes to School activities should attend this webinar.


Jenna Berman, Education Director, Bicycle Colorado

Leslie Luciano, Director of Advocacy, Bicycle Sport Shop, Austin, TX

David Cowan, Program Manager, Safe Routes to School National Partnership

Robert Ping, State Network Director, Safe Routes to School National Partnership

Click on above link to register.

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