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Deadline for Report on Lead in Kids' Bikes

Published October 8, 2009

BETHESDA, MD (BRAIN)—Bike manufacturers wanting to take advantage of a stay of enforcement on the stricter lead limits in children’s bicycles have until the end of the day to file a report detailing the lead content in certain children’s products.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission granted the bicycle industry a two-year stay on the new lead limits, as outlined in the Consumer Product Safety Information Act, with the caveat that manufacturers submit a report on the lead content of certain accessible metal parts on bicycles, jogger strollers and bicycle trailers intended primarily for children 12 and younger.

The rule was scheduled to go into effect on Feb. 10, at which time the lead limit was decreased to 600 parts per million, followed by 300 parts per million on Aug. 14, but the Commission granted the bicycle industry a stay of enforcement until July, 1, 2011.

The Report must identify each model of bike produced between May 1, 2008 and May 1, 2009, the volume by calendar and each component part that is made of metal and accessible to children, the material specification for each part and a measurement of the lead content in parts per million.

The reports can be filed in electronic form to, or by hand, or mailed to:

Todd Stevenson, Office of the Secretary

Division of Information Management

Office of Information Technology Services

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

4330 East West Highway, Room 502

Bethesda, MD 20814-4408

Reports postmarked or e-mailed by midnight will be accepted by the Commission.

For more information on the stay and the reporting requirements, Click on the link above.