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Skratch Labs offers new recovery drink mix

Published September 30, 2016

BOULDER, Colo. (BRAIN) —Skratch Labs' latest product is its Endurance Recovery Mix, its first product for post-activity nutrition. Endurance Recovery Mix will be released to the public for sale on Oct. 3.

Dr. Allen Lim, Skratch Labs founder and creator of each of the company's nutrition products, said, "We made this recovery drink mix to help take care of our friends and family. It just so happens that many of them are athletes, who need a convenient and simple way to optimize their recovery after grueling workouts. So we set out to make a drink that is sound, that tastes delicious, and that gives them every advantage possible when it comes to their performance. These things matter to them, so it matters to us. We believe it matters to you."

Skratch Labs' Endurance Recovery Mix will be available in three flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla and Coffee. They were designed to minimize stomach issues and maximize taste. They have just 6 to 8 ingrediants, depending on the flavor. Each mix is made with real milk protein (as opposed to the standard whey protein), and no added coloring agents, flavors or emulsifiers. The company said the blend of protein, fat, sugar and flavor meets the balance for post-activity caloric needs.

By using protein from real milk powder, Endurance Recovery Mix has a thick creamy taste that can be enjoyed by just adding water. There's no need to calculate new carbohydrate/protein ratios by adding milk for thickness and taste.

"We don't have all the answers – this is simply the best product we can come up with by examining both science and practice. Try it for yourself and see if it works. If it does, great! If not, keep trying and find what helps you to recover best, even if it's left-over pizza," said Skratch Labs' CEO, Ian MacGregor.

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