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Long-time Industry Vet Dave Marzen Has Passed Away

Published April 21, 2022

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Long-time Industry Vet Dave Marzen Has Passed Away

 Lexington, SC — Dave Marzen, an industry vet of 46 years, has passed away after a lengthy illness.

 Marzen got his first job in the bike industry at age 15 in Columbus, OH, and worked for, among others, Tifosi and the last four years at HLC and Marin Bikes where he was the sales rep for the South Carolina and Georgia territory. His passion and work ethic were greatly valued by everyone that had the pleasure to work with him on a daily basis.

 “Dave was loved by his customers as well as everyone here at HLC and he will certainly be missed. Our condolences go out to his wife, Kendra, and their three children: Jenn, Jeff and Shelby,” said Chad Smith, HLC’s Vice President, US.