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Study: Most Dutch consumers prefer bike shops

Published April 26, 2012

BUNNIK, the Netherlands (BRAIN) Thursday April 26 2012 4:41 PM MT—A consumer survey conducted by Dutch trade organization BOVAG found that 84 percent of shoppers prefer to buy new bikes at a specialist bike shop. Comparatively, 9 percent answered that they would buy a bike on the Internet.

The study also found:
• More than half of the respondents would opt for a city bike, while 20 percent of them would rather go for a sportive bike and 15 percent for an electric bicycle.
• In the group of consumers who said they would buy an electric bike, 12 percent responded that they would use the Internet for their purchase.
• In relation to price when buying from a bike shop versus the Internet, 94 percent of people would prefer the shop if it is 5 percent more than the Internet, but if the shop is 15 percent more expensive, the percent drops to 55. If prices in the shop are 30 percent higher, only 16 percent said they would stick to the shop.
• Forty on percent of people said they would buy a bicycle at prices in between 300 and 700 euros ($400 to $930). The average buying price would be 628 euros ($831).
• According to the responses, the main advantages of buying at a bicycle shop nearby include service, advice on choice, warranty, maintenance, professional staff and possibility for a test ride.