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Selling Cycling 2008 Ships to Retailers

Published January 15, 2008

BOULDER, CO (BRAIN)—The new Selling Cycling 2008 DVD and Owner's Guide shipped today to retailers who have already subscribed.

The DVD contains 28 three-to-five minute training modules, including the new Hand sales process. The customized Biking Solution version, with Gear sales process, will ship next week.

"We've already gotten a lot of positive feedback with our live beta sessions in Virginia and Colorado, plus all the retailers who've viewed the online and CD demo," said Growth Cycle president and Selling Cycling creator Ray Keener. "We'll be handing out the new DVDs to our supplier customers at BLC as well."

To view a new Selling Cycling training module each week, visit the Web Exclusive section of the BRAIN Web site below.

To order Selling Cycling, click on the above link.