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Time Sport signs with new PR firm Simbol

Published May 22, 2017

PARK CITY, Utah (BRAIN) — Time Sport has hired Simbol Communications as its agency of record for public relations and marketing services in the U.S. 

Simbol is a new agency formed by industry veterans Nic Sims and Scott Boulbol. The agency said it will provide the French brand with PR and media relations outreach, plan and execute promotions and event exhibitions, and expand its stable of pro athletes and ambassadors, including pro team sponsorships, among some other services.

"We feel strongly that Time products have never been better, and the timing is perfect to start aggressive marketing and PR campaigns," said Ryan Green, Time Sport USA's director of sales and marketing. "We know Time could use a little boost in these areas to get us back to household-name status with a whole new generation of riders across all major disciplines. Nic and Scott at Simbol are highly experienced at this, and they seem to know just about everyone in the industry! Simbol is the perfect team to help us craft the right message and get it out to the masses."

Sims said, "Growing up as cycling fans we all wanted Time pedals, and we drooled over their gorgeous bikes ... Now we're in a position to help the brand maintain and grow their status in the industry as one of its most coveted brands."

Boulbol said, "We're looking forward to helping put Time pedals back into the pro peloton on a large scale, and we'll also be working with local pro cyclists and triathletes to get them on their frames as well. And we hope to considerably grow the brand recognition and increase their market share for all products."