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Yuba embarks on 20-city Sun Belt tour promoting e-cargo bikes

Published January 12, 2015

PETALUMA, Calif (BRAIN) — Yuba Bicycles is heading out on a 20-city, three-week, electric cargo bike demo tour this week visiting Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Austin, Dallas, New Orleans, Tampa, Miami, Atlanta and many more cities between. It's the first leg of what the company hopes to be a year-long Power Up Tour.

"The Tour is aimed at giving consumers the opportunity to ride our e-bikes and learn for themselves what all the hype is about," said Ben Sarrazin, founder of Yuba Bicycles.

Yuba will have elBodaBoda and elMundo electric cargo bikes available for test rides. The goal is to give parents, small business owners and others the chance to test an e-bike in their community so they can understand how these car-replacing bicycles can improve their lifestyle. Yuba will appear at multiple events and festivals as well as in-store and evening demo rides with Yuba dealers.

Bike shops on the tour include Electric Bikes LA and Electric Cyclery in Laguna Beach, Calif., two shops that deal exclusively in e-bikes.

"It is incredible to see the number of new bike shops opening that are focused solely on electric bikes," said Steve Bode, Yuba's promotion and outreach manager. The tour will also visit Kiddical Mass rides in Houston, Phoenix, Atlanta and Miami. Yuba will also attend events with the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition and the South Florida Bike Coalition, and join a Save Haiti fundraiser ride in Miami as well as the annual Blinkie Awards in Atlanta.

In addition to its electric bikes, Yuba will have its Flip Flop children's balance bike and the Boda Boda and Mundo pedal-powered bikes available for test rides.

"Parents can take a spin while their toddlers roll around the parking lot on a Flip Flop," Bode added. The second leg of the Power Up Tour will embark in April after the Sea Otter festival. For specific details of Yuba's schedule see the company's Facebook page.

Topics associated with this article: Electric bike