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Saris supplying some Seattle Uber drivers with bike racks

Published October 15, 2014

MADISON, Wis. (BRAIN) — Saris is supplying some Uber drivers in Seattle with bike racks, allowing the taxi-alternative's drivers to carry one or two bikes, for a $5 upcharge.

"If you are in need of a ride, be it due to weather, due to need of bike maintenance, due to sobriety (or lack thereof), your Uber driver can take you and your bike to your destination," Saris said in a release this week. The program began Oct. 10.

Seattle Uber users can now use the Uber mobile app to request a car equipped with a bike rack under the app's "promotions" button. The service is called "UBERpedal."

Not all Seattle-area Uber drivers are equipped with the Saris racks. The organization said the racks will be most prevalent in the downtown area. Uber is asking its users to choose pick-up locations that have enough room for bikes to be safely installed on the rack.

Under Uber's terms of service, the passenger is responsible for making sure the rack is installed securely and the bike is secured to the rack. Uber said it is not responsible for any damage to a bike.