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NICA founder Fritzinger forms consulting business

Published January 17, 2014

GRATON, Calif. (BRAIN) — Matt Fritzinger, the founder of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association, has formed Zinger Pacific Consulting, a consulting business focused on helping start-ups and young companies. 

Fritzinger said, "I was very fortunate to help build a powerful national movement with NICA, and now am privileged by the knowledge I gained along the way. As a lifelong cyclist I am motivated to share the bounty of this experience with others looking to achieve new things in cycling, be it improved and more affordable products, better infrastructure, or making a more bike-friendly culture."

Zinger Pacific Consulting draws on some of the same individuals that helped create the high school cycling movement. The group includes brand designer David Curtis, communication expert Paul Skilbeck of O2 Active, and CPA Mark Kintz of Finn and Cohen.