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Serotta and Watkins ally with Gluskin Townley Group

Published October 7, 2013

ALLENTOWN, PA (BRAIN) — Ben Serotta and Bill Watkins — the founder and former CEO, respectively, of Serotta Competition Bicycles — have formed a consulting alliance with Gluskin Townley Group, an existing bike industry consulting group.

Serotta and Watkins each left Serotta this summer, a few months after the company became part of the Divine Cycling Group. 

“We are confident our combined individual talents and skill sets will provide enhanced synergistic consulting tools for our current and future clients,” Elliot Gluskin said in a statement announcing the new alliance. 

Serotta has 45 years of experience in the bike business, running his own framebuilding operation and a bike shop prior to that. Watkins, a West Point graduate with eight years of active duty as an engineering officer, built a medical device company in his garage that became a global leader in its category.  Watkins also was a member of the U.S. National, U.S. Olympic Development and U.S. Olympic Cycling Long Team and a Master’s National Criterium Champion in 2011. He became CEO of Serotta in 2012.