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Expo targets action-bike-outdoor shops

Published January 10, 2012

BROOMFIELD, CO (BRAIN) — Producers of a new trade magazine and show are aiming at retailers who sell action sports, bikes and outdoor merchandise.

The inaugural January-February edition of Action Outdoor & Bike is now available in print or electronic form. The bi-monthly focuses on business and merchandising advice and trends, said editor Heather Fried.

The inaugural Action Outdoor & Bike Expo will be held August 22-23 at the Atlantic City Convention Center in New Jersey.

The expo and magazine are being produced by National Business Media a 26-year-old Broomfield, Colorado-based company that produces a variety of business-to-business titles and expos.

NBM launched Action Sports Merchandising magazine last fall, aiming to serve snow, skate and surf retailers. But after digging into the market a bit deeper, the company decided to refocus and include bicycle and outdoor retailers in the mix, Fried said.

“We noticed a lot of the retailers on our (snow-skate-surf) list were selling bikes and outdoor products, so we refocused a bit. Our aim is to help retailers build their businesses with merchandising, social media marketing and sales articles,” she said.

The magazine currently has no advertisements while NBM focuses on the expo. “We want to build our brand in the industry and not ask for support (through magazine advertising) until we can prove that we can support the industry.”

NBM also will be developing a website with content that is distinct from the magazine, she said.

As for the expo, Fried said its East Coast location will fill a niche since many similar trade shows are held on the West Coast, Las Vegas or the Rockies.

Topics associated with this article: Tradeshows and conferences