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The 5th Spot

Published December 26, 2010

PORTSMOUTH, U.K. (BRAIN)—A Team Wiggle rider got an early Christmas present this year when the organizer of the 2012 Olympic mountain bike course came calling looking for a test rider.

Lee Williams was invited to the site at Hadleigh in East London and spent three hours pedaling his Focus Raven 1.0 around the course. He couldn’t give too much away about the experience but told his sponsor, online retailer Wiggle, that the course is mostly man-made with plenty of rock features. It flows well with fast hard pack and many tight switchbacks, Williams added.

“Many hours of hard work have created a world class venue for a world class event,” he said in a press release sent out by Wiggle.

Williams has locked all his knowledge away in hopes of gaining an advantage should he get picked for the 2012 British team. He’s the only athlete to have ridden the course so far.

“I’m really grateful to have had the chance to test a course of such importance and feel this visit will hugely enhance my training and preparation in my bid to achieve my Olympic goal. I expect to be in good enough shape to be selected for the Games and all my training from now until then is based on that very goal,” he said.