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Bike Exporters Have Australia to Thank

Published April 6, 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BRAIN)—Shipments of kids' bikes to Australia helped push U.S. bike exporters' January business 16 percent over last year. Exports of kids' bikes increased 1,336 units, a 71 percent jump, while adult exports dropped 421 units.

The average export unit value climbed to $1,498 from $1,243 last year. This jump in value also has Australia to thank. The country did not just want U.S. made kids' bikes in volume, they wanted very good kids' bikes, receiving 1,463 bikes with an average unit value of $618. For comparison the average kid's bike exported was $394.

Shipments of frames and forks also increased dramatically, up 48,122 kilograms to 98,935, a 95 percent increase. The Department of Commerce only reports frame exports in kilograms. The average value per kilo of frame exported was up 110 percent.

—Matt Wiebe

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