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Classified Nutrition's AFTER is designed for recovery

Published August 18, 2016

DALLAS (BRAIN) — Classified Nutrition's AFTER is a product designed for post-workout recovery. It contains 3 grams of Leucine, which the company said helps the body repair itself. It also contains another 3 grams of a time-release form of Leucine. 

It also includes 10 grams of whey protein isolate, 5 grams of creatine monohydrate.

"The mainstream consensus on recovery seems to be 'just supplement with carbs or combine carbs and protein in a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio,'" the company said. "This is NOT what science shows to be the most effective for repair and recovery. Research is clear that supplementing with carbs or using the 3:1 or 4:1 carb/protein ratio is only beneficial for refilling your body's gas tank, but does nothing to repair muscle damage. Without Leucine, there is no production of new proteins to repair or take the place of muscle proteins damaged during training!"

A 20 serving bag of the product retails for $59.95. More information at the Classified Nutrition website.

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