COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (BRAIN) — Koobi, a small saddle supplier that targets the triathlon market, has added two new international distributors to its roster, said Phil Schweizer, the company's founder.
Schweizer told BRAIN that TriSports in Japan and Brosky Bikes in Singapore are now the exclusive distributors of its 232T triathlon saddle. "I definitely see growth happening in Asia," said Schweizer, who launched one of the first full-relief saddles for triathletes in 1998.
"The 232T has a balance of a wider area for greater soft tissue relief, but not wide enough to produce power-robbing friction," he said. The saddle is 232 millimeter's long with a descending nose and typically retails for $179.95.
While Schweizer has had distributors in Europe in the past, he currently sells primarily consumer-direct there and has a strong consumer base in the UK.
While Koobi is well known in the triathlon market, competition is stiff, he acknowledged. And his Colorado company plans to bring out a new tri saddle around the first of the year, he added.
Besides tri saddles, Koobi offers a full range of models. The brand's tri saddles are made in Italy, while other models are produced in Taiwan.