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Mechanics association raises funds for UBI scholarships for Black, Indigenous and People of Color

Published June 26, 2020
Raffle program has already raised more than $8,000.

ASHLAND, Ore. (BRAIN) — The Professional Bicycle Mechanics Association is running a raffle to raise funds to send individuals representing Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to a United Bicycle Institute training course of their choosing.

PBMA has already raised over $8,000, enough to send at least two BIPOC people to UBI. Its campaign continues, with more than $7,000 worth of donated bike products being raffled to encourage contributions.

The organization said an application process for the scholarships will be rolled out very soon. "We've created a committee of five individuals representing various segments of our bicycle shop world. They are currently working on the criteria to apply, the methods in which a person would be chosen and thinking of ways to reach the intended benefactors," PBMA said.

The following brands have donated products to be raffled: Unior USA, Abbey Bike Tools, Eight Tool, Pedaling Tools, Park Tool, Pedro's, Shimano, Midway Cycle Supply, CABDA, SR Suntour, Wheel Fanatyk, Than Built, Bottles and Bar Tape, Juice Lubes, Zane and the 100's who have contributed to the drawing prizes. At the start of the raffle, the first 50 donations were rewarded with handmade knives made by professional race mechanic Zane Free. 

More information on making a contribution and entering the raffle is available on the PBMA website.