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Kona Canada moves to the North Shore

Published August 10, 2018

VANCOUVER, B.C. (BRAIN) — Kona has moved its Canadian office from Vancouver to the North Shore.

Although its world headquarters are now in Ferndale, Washington, Kona started on the East side of downtown Vancouver in 1988. 

Co-founder Jake Heilbron said the move, which began in June, was largely due to rising property values in Vancouver. "At heart the owners/founders of Kona are cheapskates when it comes to creature comforts," Heilbron told BRAIN.

"As you may have heard, Vancouver has become an attractive global destination for investors from all over. This drove residential property values to 'world class' levels and finally did the same to commercial realty in the lowest per capita postal code in Canada," he said.

When property taxes got too high and offering prices got tempting, Kona decided to buy a building in North Vancouver, which is where most of the Canadian staff lives and rides anyway. 

The company has been settling into the building for a couple months and the outside will be painted soon in Kona colors. "We'll have pictures by the end of the month, since we need to have it all done in time for our Canadian 30th birthday party on August 25," he said. 

The new address is:

1353 Pemberton Ave.
North Vancouver, BC V7P 2R6

+1 604-684 4933