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Kenda promotes Drunasky to project engineer

Published February 1, 2018

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio (BRAIN) — Kenda Tire has promoted Jay Drunasky to the role of project engineer at its Kenda American Technology Center. Drunasky joined Kenda three years ago as one of the original hires for the North American tech center and has overseen the development of Kenda's latest line of mountain bike tires.

"Kenda has been aggressively expanding our bicycle tire design department and Jay has been integral to this expansion; his leadership in the design of new products was critical to their success in the marketplace," said Tom Williams, Kenda's vice president of engineering. "With this promotion and oversight as a team leader, we are certain that Jay's leadership will continue to elevate the performance of new products under development."

Drunasky now serves as the most senior bicycle engineer for Kenda in the United States, and will provide oversight of the bicycle design and test teams. 

Jays experience has proven to be a real asset to the advancement of Kendas most technical products. Under his guidance we can expect to see more successes like those with the Hellkat Pro and its multiple World Cup victories,said Alan Clark, Kenda's senior director of bicycle sales and marketing.