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NBDA Releases Anticipated US Bicycle Market Overview 2021 Report in Partnership With HPS

Published December 13, 2022

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Irvine, CA (December 5, 2022) – The National Bicycle Dealers Association, in partnership with Jay Townley, Human Powered Solutions, announce the release of the NBDA US Bicycle Market Overview 2021 Report on the state of the US specialty bicycle retailer market.

“The information contained within this 95-page report is valuable to both retailers and suppliers alike. Historical data combined with emerging trends will help us as a collective industry best position ourselves forward,” commented NBDA President Heather Mason.

The US Bicycle Market Overview Report is a detailed overview of the bicycle market in the United States in 2021 compared to the last 21-year history, compiled and written by Jay Townley, Resident Futurist at Human Powered Solutions.

It includes information on imports, exports, the cycling population, participation in bicycle riding, cycling consumer research, bicycle riding and consumption per thousand population, e-bike consumers and market, reshoring, and future bike shops. The report is based on numerous individual studies and research reports, along with statistics from the U.S. Customs Department, as well as Delphi panels.

The report is the 22nd chapter of a chronicle, a chronological record and history of the American bicycle business spanning the last twenty-one years that views 2019, the pre-pandemic period and the 2020 surge in consumer demand during the pandemic, in historical context that covers a fifty-seven-year history from 1965 to 2021 that includes the Bike Boom years of 1971 to 1974. 

Jay Townley, Resident Futurist at Human Powered Solutions added, “The NBDA Consumer Research Study performed last year provided current data on the emerging ebike business and category in the American market and identified consumer preferences and future purchasing intentions. This research was used to guide an expanded chapter on the Rise of Electric Bicycles in the 2021 NBDA U.S. Bicycle Market Overview Report, which all will help guide marketing and sales strategy.”. 

Retailers and other industry professionals can purchase a copy for $999 or at the special pricing listed for NBDA members.

In addition to the report, those who purchase the report have special access to a 3-part webinar series presented by Human Powered Solutions that will take place January 18, February 15, and March 29, 2023. These 45-minute presentations will dive deep into specific content, giving those who purchase the report an analysis from the author.

In addition to the webinar series Jay Townley will present on the US Bicycle Market Overview 2021 Report at the upcoming CABDA West, Midwest, and East trade shows.