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NBDA Forms Best Practices Committee, Releases Documents Guiding Retailers and Suppliers

Published July 19, 2022

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Irvine, CA (July 18, 2022) – The National Bicycle Dealers Association (NBDA), announced today the availability of informational documents for both retailers and suppliers alike to address best working practices forward. These documents are a result of the work of the organization over the past few months to provide educational items to the industry at large about the winning formula that is an IBD-Supplier relationship.

NBDA Treasurer Phil Cohen commented "Retailers bring incredible value to the consumer. From proper fit to product knowledge, tech, and warranty support; we are at times, the face of the brand. Suppliers that work exclusively through independent retailers are making a smart move, as those would be hard pressed to find the level of support we provide elsewhere".

Earlier 2022, the NBDA formed a Best Practices Committee, with a mission to guide retailers and suppliers to better practices for working together. As the industry continues to evolve, and the market changes, the NBDA saw this as an important time to remind suppliers of the importance of the independent retailer, how suppliers need support for their business and brand from these retailers, and how retailers need to be treated as customers. The committee consists of several retailer board members, including NBDA Board Chair, Peter Henry (Landry's Bicycle, MA), NBDA Treasurer Phil Cohen (Chain Reaction, GA), and Chad Pickard (Spoke-N-Sport, SD).

"In a highly competitive market, it is vital that suppliers do everything cost-effectively possible to make life better for retailers, and for retailers to do what they can to be better customers for those suppliers. While we always want to shift burdens to "the other guy", it is best to put burdens where they can most efficiently be carried" stated NBDA Board Chair, Peter Henry.

The three documents; Suppliers Best Practices, Managing Supplier Credit (Helpful Tips), and Selecting Suppliers are available to NBDA members in the NBDA member resources area. The documents, beneficial to both retailers and suppliers alike, focus on mutually beneficial working practices, transparency, and the important foundation of communication. A key thread throughout is for retailers to understand their business and to choose to have key suppliers, with whom they hope for a “partnership” relationship, where both care about helping each other succeed. Reminding retailers that, if you want to lead your shop to be something wonderful, you want to work with suppliers who appreciate that.  

“We see this as raising the industry collectively. The objective is to get vendors to change their behaviors for the retailers. Those behaviors should raise the bar for retailers and how they run their business.  Those behaviors should reduce the number of resources vendors allocate to some of these issues. It’s a win-win, where we all thrive” said Pickard, Spoke-N-Sport.

Earlier this year, NBDA President, Heather Mason, addressed the changes in the marketplace in both an email and video to members. In this email the President asked retailers to stand up for their own business, to pick and choose the vendors to do business with and find a vendor who has a culture in place that you can support, and who has practices in place that support you in being successful.  A reminder was included to look at all dealer agreements carefully and to not enter into any agreement that is not fair and equitable to your business.

 “There are many reasons why the local bicycle shop has continued as an integral part of the cycling experience.  The internet is a medium, not a replacement for what is best done in-person. We have heard the pain and concern of retailers, and the pain and concern that leaves suppliers feeling they need to act.  These times call for good but difficult conversation by the affected parties” summarized Mason.

The NBDA Best Practices committee is interested in hearing from retailers and suppliers alike as they look to prepare future educational resources. Those interested in connecting with the committee can reach them directly at All feedback, comments, requests, and suggestions are of high value. 



The National Bicycle Dealers Association (NBDA) is the bicycle industry retailer association formed in 1946, representing and empowering specialty bicycle dealers in the United States through education, communications, research, advocacy, member discount programs, and promotional opportunities.