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Two Octobers announces two-part webinar series for bike shops

Published April 7, 2020

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Denver, CO: Two Octobers, announces a two part webinar series to help bike shops across North America survive and thrive during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.



How Bike Shops Can Survive and Thrive with E-commerce & Marketing 


Join us on Online Thursday, April 9, 2020 from 11:00am - 12:00pm MST

and/or Monday, April 20, 2020 from 11:00am - 12:00pm MST

Register at :

About the Format

We'll have a free one hour webinar followed by a one hour "office hours" session where you can float specific questions by Noah.

What you'll learn:

  • Maintaining Revenue during COVID-19 Basics
  • Using your website to sell products and schedule service
  • Setting Up Drop Ship through your vendors
  • Pricing Strategies
  • Setting up a sales funnel that will work now and in the future


  • You'll learn the tools that our clients have told us, "have helped insulate us from what's happening now"
  • You'll walk out with the tools to keep revenue flowing in ways your customers expect
  • You'll learn how to implement a system that is evergreen; it will make you money now and in normal times

About Two Octobers: Two Octobers is a digital marketing agency that provides marketing services and strategic consulting to businesses. We are small, smart and relentlessly analytical. We help clients use data to improve their marketing ROI.