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Bicycle Radio show comes to Grand Junction

Published January 27, 2012

GRAND JUNCTION, CO (BRAIN) Jan 30, 06:14 MT —Chris Brown, owner of Brown Cycles, now has a half-hour monthly radio show on KAFM in which he lists the local race and ride calendar and trail and path maintenance dates and conducts interviews with cyclists.

“It’s a lot of fun and entirely free. I don’t know what a half-hour of radio time would cost if you had to buy it, but I get the time free to promote cycling around the area. You cannot beat that,” Brown said.

Brown said between the pub crawls, races, rides and events in the community, he is working to get the show to at least a biweekly schedule. Outspoken Cyclist, hosted by Diane Lees, owner of HubBub Custom Bicycles in Cleveland, Ohio, is an hourlong weekly show that has been airing since fall 2010.

“For someone in Mississippi planning a biking vacation to Grand Junction, what better way to get introduced to the local bike culture than listening to a few radio shows,” Brown said. Links to the November, December and January radio shows are on Brown Cycles' home page,

In spite of the show being open to anyone, Brown says his is the only shop currently preparing shows.

“The local paper gives me a column to repost my show notes — that’s a lot of coverage for free. When you consider the radio show, podcast and newsprint coverage require zero investment, for a bike dealer what could be better?"