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Bike Profits Launching Retailer Seminars

Published February 3, 2008

LYNDON STATION, WI (BRAIN)—Bike Profits, a division of Jay Townley and Associates, is conducting two Tele-Seminars titled: Growing the Bicycle Market, One Shop at a Time.

The seminars will focus on what it takes, as a specialty retailer, to not only capture market share, but also expand the number of clients in a given bicycle market.

"We are in a state of perfect competition," Townley said. "And while that may sound good for business, it is actually very bad. We are trapped in the most intense form of competition where everyone is a price taker, and taking market share from a competitor does not guarantee increased profitability.

"There is a lot of talk now about making your store the brand," Townley added. "However, if your brand is only known in a limited number of cycling enthusiasts, it really is not doing you much good. It is essential that your brand, your store, expands its awareness beyond the enthusiasts in the market and reaches the new bicycle consumer. That is the focus of the tele-seminars."

Bike Profits is a suite of different marketing aspects that key around Townley's 50 years in the industry. They all focus on providing marketing solutions for bicycle retailers. The tele-seminars are just one facet of Bike Profits and will give retailers many take-away ideas that they can use immediately to expand their market.

"It takes work to grow your market," Townley said. "Most bicycle retailers got into the business because they are passionate about cycling. We want to get them passionate about retailing. We want them to ask themselves if they
are a bicycle shop, or a retailer who sells bicycles. If they are a passionate retailer then we want to help them grow their market, and grow their business."

The seminar will not only focus on how to expand your market, but will provide an overview of the Bicycle Leadership Conference and NBDA Super Seminars.

The second seminar will continue on what it takes to expand markets and a synopsis of IceBike, the United Kingdom's Frostbike, and what the European market is doing.

Each seminar is meant to be stand-alone, and there will be no duplication of material. "Both seminars will give the retailers a different set of how-to items," Townley said. "So the retailer can build his library and catalog of marketing resources."

The first tele-seminar is February 18 at 9 p.m. (EST), 6 p.m. (PST).

The cost of the Tele-Seminar is $49.99 for the one-hour or $79.99 for both seminars. Retailers may register, or receive further information, by calling (888) 773-6153.