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Montréal to host international bike share conference this month

Published August 16, 2017

MONTRÉAL (BRAIN) — The North American Bikeshare Association is producing a three-day conference later this month. The organization's fourth annual conference will gather bike share companies and community officials from around the world to discuss best practices and the future of bikeshare, the group said.

"The bikeshare landscape continues to innovate and transform all around us," said Samantha Herr, the group's executive director. "With new pricing models, dockless systems and expansion into low-income areas, bikeshare has the power to completely reinvent the way people get around and view transportation.

"This conference will bring together system owners and operators, cities and equipment providers with a common goal of steering the bikeshare industry toward an even stronger future."

The conference will be held from Wednesday, Aug. 30 to Friday, Sept. 1 at Centre Mont-Royal, located at 2200 Mansfield Street, Montreal Quebec.

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