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Interbike honored by trade show magazine

Published November 13, 2014

SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, Calif. (BRAIN) — The Interbike trade show ranked 54th on the list of Top 100 Trade Shows of 2013 published by Trade Show Executive magazine. The magazine began the ranking in 2007 and Interbike has been listed since then. The 'Gold 100' status is based on a show's net square feet.

"It's certainly nice to be recognized by the trade show world, but we're most proud of the fact that we're seen within our community as a part of the industry, and not just a trade show company," said Pat Hus, vice president of Interbike. "We're just as invested in helping retailers and exhibitors succeed as we are in producing a great event."

The largest trade show of 2013 was the International CES (Consumer Electronics Show) with nearly 2 million net square feet, and the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) was honored as "the Greatest Show on Earth" at the recent Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Awards and Summit held in Dana Point, Calif.

The Gold 100 honors the largest and most-accomplished trade shows of the year. This year's event Oct. 22-24 drew a large crowd of organizers and offered educational sessions and networking opportunities.

For more about the list, go to

Topics associated with this article: Tradeshows and conferences, Interbike