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Saris partner Bob Fortune dies at 90

Published March 8, 2013

MADISON, WI (BRAIN) — Robert Fortune, a member of the family that owns Saris Cycling Group and an active cycling advocate, died recently at age 90 after a long illness.

Bob Fortune was the father of Chris Fortune, who co-owns Saris with his wife Sarah.

"Bob helped create the core fundamentals of Saris Cycling Group – act with honor and integrity in your relationships with yourself, co-workers, vendors and customers; do the right thing; and invest in your industry through advocacy," the company said in a statement Friday.

On behalf of Saris, Fortune worked with organizations including the Chicago Land Bicycle Federation, League of American Bicyclists, Building Owners and Managers Association, American Public Transportation Association, Alliance for Biking and Walking, American Society of Landscape Architects, National Apartment Association, and the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals.

He led Saris' Parking and Storage business, working with distributors and and dealers throughout the industry. He was instrumental in pushing the business into new markets, designing new products, and establishing close ties with many bicycle advocacy organizations.  Since its inception in 1991, Bob served on the Saris Cycling Group Board of Advisors.

Fortune played football at the University of Wisconsin and was a diehard Wisconsin Badger and Green Bay Packer fan. 

The Fortune family asked that in lieu of flowers donations be made to Bob’s favorite charity – St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Bob Fortune