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Felt Bicycles releases iPad app

Published December 11, 2012

IRVINE, CA (BRAIN) — Felt Bicycles has released a new iPad app on the Apple iTunes store. The app is intended to help improve communications between consumers, dealers, Felt's sales force and others. The company said the app will serve as a sales floor resource for its dealers.

"The new Felt app supplements Felt’s existing dealer manuals, consumer catalogs, product videos, website, social sites, and mobile site," the company said in a statement.

Felt sales manager Bryan Melton said, "This app is a living look inside what makes Felt products great. It's another step to serve our customers with faster and better access to Felt information."

The new Felt App for tablets is available free in the Apple App Store. The company also plans to release a smart phone version of the app for iPhones and Droid phones.


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