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Trek's statement on police bikes

Published June 10, 2020

WATERLOO, Wis. (BRAIN) — Several hours after publishing a blog post about its diversity programs, Trek Bicycle released a separate statement regarding police bikes, which it shared with BRAIN and other media.

This is the entire statement:

“Recently we have seen photos and video of Trek bikes that have been used by police in ways that are abhorrent and vastly different from their intended use. For over 25 years, we have seen police on bikes, out of cruisers and offices, building relationships in the neighborhoods they serve. The past two weeks have turned the view of police on bikes from a community asset to a liability. A positive outcome of the recent protests is that we are starting to see real police reform being discussed at local and national levels. We believe bikes can play a positive role by continuing to get officers out of cars and armored trucks and into the community where trust can be built.”


Topics associated with this article: DEI and Sustainability