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House draft transportation bill contains $6.3B for biking and walking infrastructure

Published June 4, 2020
The LAB applauds the bill's safety and accessibility measures.

WASHINGTON (BRAIN) — The U.S. House Transportation Committee has released a draft of its transportation reauthorization bill, which contains $6.3 billion for biking and walking infrastructure, as well as safety and accessibility measures that cycling advocates are applauding. 

The League of American Bicyclists said bike advocates have been working for five years to influence the legislation.

"The League's top priorities for Congress in the Transportation bill are to increase funding for and improve policy in the Transportation Alternatives program, change the way states implement the Highway Safety Improvement Program so that it addresses bicycling and walking fatalities, and to ensure states and metropolitan areas include biking, walking and transit access in their planning, design and building of streets. The League is thankful to see all three of our top concerns addressed in the bill," the organization said in a release.

The draft bill includes funding for Transportation Alternatives, increasing funding to local governments and for recreational trails. The bill requires states to do Vulnerable User Assessments to identify dangerous corridors and areas for bicyclists and pedestrians, and requires states to address those problems. It also requires states to set safety performance measures that lower fatalities.
The Democratic-controlled committee plans to vote on the bill on June 17. House and Senate finance committees have not determined how to pay for the $500 billion bill.