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CST says it will enforce MAP on bike products

Published October 29, 2014

SUWANEE, Ga. (BRAIN) — Tire maker CST is implementing a minimum advertised price (MAP) policy for all of its bicycle products effective Nov. 1.

Any CST product must be advertised at a price that meets or exceeds the product’s MAP for that product. The policy applies to all forms of media advertising, including television, radio, magazine, catalog, direct mail and online sales. The policy forbids the sale of CST products through online auction sites and third-party listing sites. Violators will be subject to a series of escalating penalties, ending in a 12-month suspension of an account for a third offense.

“We think that this policy is fair to everyone involved and will help to protect the value of our products for our customers and the CST brand,” said Hulen King, director of CST’s specialty tire division.

For a copy of the policy, email or visit your local distributor’s dealer portal.