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Hammer Nutrition Reports Thriving Business Advantages After Removing All Products From Amazon And Walmart

Published August 27, 2019

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WHITEFISH, Mont., Aug 22, 2019 - Hammer Nutrition (Hammer) has been a leading advocate for the removal of products from marketplace websites like Amazon to preserve brand integrity and brick and mortar retail. This mission was aimed to specifically benefit independent specialty retailers and the customer experience Hammer has provided since 1987. Critics predicted Hammer would suffer from this business move, but sales and customer engagement have continuously contradicted these claims. The success has strengthened Hammer’s brand and allowed for the reconnection of a multitude of Hammer users.

“I have been providing premium products for 32 years and remain committed to our customer experience matching the quality we are known for,” said Brian Frank, founder and CEO of Hammer Nutrition. “We left Amazon in 2017 and it has been a complete success! Sales have recovered and grown in both our B2B and B2C channels as a result. Working directly with independent specialty retailers supports communities across the nation and gives our customers the resources they deserve. That is what I want.”

Accomplishing this goal strengthened customer involvement with the company and increased sales across the board. Hammer sees a positive improvement in every sector involved with this change of business. Continuous monitoring of the adjustment provides insight into the healthful future Hammer has reported to date.

“Supporting our brick and mortar businesses is a top priority when deciding which distributors we associate Hammer with,” said Ginjer Yachechak, Customer and Dealer Services Manager of Hammer Nutrition. “When we do this, we are able to keep all of our customers happy; whether they come directly to us or our retailers. Margins are controlled and everyone benefits from creating the best customer experience possible.”

By eliminating sales of Hammer products on marketplace websites, Hammer is better able to connect with local retailers to provide proper fueling and hydration guidance to their customers. Hammer Nutrition has pioneered extensive product education through print and online resources as well as through its retailers and in-house Client Advisors. Eliminating marketplace web sales was crucial in maintaining this status.