SALT LAKE CITY, UT (BRAIN)—During a sunny spring day last weekend, Bikes for Kids Utah provided 1,000 underprivileged Utah third graders free brand new bicycles, helmets, bike locks and bicycle safety instruction at its third annual charity event.
BOULDER, CO (BRAIN)—Bikes Belong has added two new full-time staff members to its Colorado headquarters team. Paul Orbuch was selected to be its deputy director, and Kate Scheider fills the role of research and statistics coordinator.
BETHEL, CT (BRAIN)—Cannondale Bicycles has committed to join IMBA and Bikes Belong at the corporate sponsor level.
This sponsorship is part of the Cannondale Sports Group's expanding advocacy plan, which includes both maintaining current efforts and further developing new partnerships.
SALT LAKE CITY, UT (BRAIN)—Bikes for Kids Utah announced that the Sorenson Legacy Foundation has donated $40,000 to help provide new bicycles for 1,000 underprivileged third graders during Bikes for Kids Utah's annual bicycle giveaway.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (BRAIN)—Eleven communities were honored with the League of American Bicyclists prestigious Bicycle Friendly Community designation and eleven communities renewed their designation.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (BRAIN)—The District of Columbia plans to unveil a public bike-sharing program in mid May, becoming the first of its kind in the United States.
PARK CITY, UT (BRAIN)—Trek Bicycle president John Burke will give a keynote address at the 2008 IMBA World Summit in Park City, Utah. It takes place June 18-21.
BOULDER, CO (BRAIN)—Bikes Belong will be doing something unprecedented this summer as it provides 1,000 bikes each for the Democratic and Republican national conventions.
MIAMI, FL (BRAIN) — Florida cyclists cheered the news on Tuesday that the State Department of Transportation is, according to a ruling of the First District Court of Appeals, unambiguously obligated “to establish bicycle and pedestrian ways in conjunction with the construction, reconstruction, or other change of any
SAN DIEGO, CA (BRAIN)—Zoic Clothing has raised $1,600 for Outdoor Outreach through its 2nd annual spring fundraiser, a mountain bike ride and sponsored raffle.
MINNEAPOLIS, MN (BRAIN)—Ardea Beverage Company, creators of Nutrisoda, launched the Good to Go promotional partnership with Giant Bicycle to elevate the importance of living healthier lifestyles.
TORONTO, Ontario (BRAIN)—Trek Bicycle Corporation delivered good news to the Bicycle Trade Association of Canada (BTAC) on the eve of one of North America’s largest bicycle show, the Toronto International Bicycle show, which starts today.
JACKSON, WY (BRAIN)—From its inception in 2005, the Kona AfricaBike program has had a simple, primary focus: provide durable, easy-to-maintain AfricaBikes to healthcare workers to assist in the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients.